There is one universal law of the universe that many people have tried to change for their own personal gain, but all attempts have been unsuccessful: and that is to change facts. Facts are a footprint of what happened, you cannot change it. Yet, many people try do do just that every single day.
Being an optimist and a positive person, let me explain it in positive terms in line with the figure: "The truth is like a lion. You don't have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself - St. Augustine".
When I first saw this quote, it immediately struck me as a fundamental law of the universe. It is the basis of all science. Science discovers the facts, the truth. And it is present anywhere in the universe. Some facts out there are still a few hundred light years away from us and our science and we have not yet discovered it, but is is there and it will not change on its way to us. Forensic science discovers the truth in microbiology and by studying what the naked eye mostly cannot see - the truth will always be there - no matter how small and unobtrusive.
I want to make it more practical. Let us look at the way you deal with the truth at your work and in your relationships. Do you realise that you are creating your own truths every day of your life? You do a lot of things every day - you make decisions, you create documents, write emails, text messages, social media posts, you write letters, you have conversations. You interact with other people and with nature. You perform transactions. In everything you do you are creating facts. You are the creator of your own truth. What happens later cannot change it again - you can try and deceive, you can try to hide it, you can deny it, but you cannot change the truth.
And here is the beauty of it all: if you live with honesty and integrity, if you are trustworthy, if your yes is your yes and your no is your no, you don't have to ever try to control the truth. You can let it free. It will defend itself. You don't have to remember what you said to whom - as long as you stick to the truth, it will never come back to hurt you. It will defend you.
If you live your life by the virtues of honesty and integrity, the truth that you create will defend itself, and it will defend you too. Not only will you be respected, but you will simplify your relationships. Stick to the truth. It will defend itself. It will defend you.
Being an optimist and a positive person, let me explain it in positive terms in line with the figure: "The truth is like a lion. You don't have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself - St. Augustine".
When I first saw this quote, it immediately struck me as a fundamental law of the universe. It is the basis of all science. Science discovers the facts, the truth. And it is present anywhere in the universe. Some facts out there are still a few hundred light years away from us and our science and we have not yet discovered it, but is is there and it will not change on its way to us. Forensic science discovers the truth in microbiology and by studying what the naked eye mostly cannot see - the truth will always be there - no matter how small and unobtrusive.
I want to make it more practical. Let us look at the way you deal with the truth at your work and in your relationships. Do you realise that you are creating your own truths every day of your life? You do a lot of things every day - you make decisions, you create documents, write emails, text messages, social media posts, you write letters, you have conversations. You interact with other people and with nature. You perform transactions. In everything you do you are creating facts. You are the creator of your own truth. What happens later cannot change it again - you can try and deceive, you can try to hide it, you can deny it, but you cannot change the truth.
And here is the beauty of it all: if you live with honesty and integrity, if you are trustworthy, if your yes is your yes and your no is your no, you don't have to ever try to control the truth. You can let it free. It will defend itself. You don't have to remember what you said to whom - as long as you stick to the truth, it will never come back to hurt you. It will defend you.
If you live your life by the virtues of honesty and integrity, the truth that you create will defend itself, and it will defend you too. Not only will you be respected, but you will simplify your relationships. Stick to the truth. It will defend itself. It will defend you.